Sunday 11 December 2011

Cover Reveal: The Immortal Rules

Well hi! I haven't posted for ages but I assure you that this post will not disappoint. Julie Kagawa has released the cover of her new book, the first in her new series:

You know, I thought that The Iron Fey covers were really nice but Tis amazing. This is the synopsis I got off FantasysInk blog:

You will kill. The only question is when.

In the dark days since the insidious Red Lung virus decimated the human population, vampires have risen to rule the crumbling cities and suburbs. Uncontested Princes hold sway over diminished ranks of humans: their "pets." In exchange for their labor, loyalty and of course, their blood, these pets are registered, given food and shelter, permitted to survive.

Unregistered humans cling to fringes, scavenging for survival. Allison Sekemoto and her fellow Unregistereds are hunted, not only by vampires, but by rabids, the unholy result of Red Lung-infected vampires feeding on unwary humans. One night, Allie is attacked by a pack of rabids, saved by an unlikely hero...and turned vampire.

Uncomfortable in her undead skin, Allie falls in with a ragtag crew of humans seeking a cure, or cures: for Rabidism and for Vampirism. She's passing for human...for now. But the hunger is growing and will not be denied. Not for friendship—not even for love.

Eee! I wonder when it comes out...and I can't wait for the Teasers to start coming!

Monday 7 November 2011

Cover Reveal: Destined

Hey young ones! Wow I haven't posted in ages. Sorry I've had SO many tests and exams the past few weeks. Anyway, the Iron Knight released a few weeks ago :) I have got my beautiful copy of it and let me tell you, it is EPIC!

Aprilynne Pike released the cover of her new book "Destined". It is the fourth and last book in the Wings series. And onto the cover:

Isn't it beautiful???? But this cover isn't the final cover (you can tell by the blurb since it was the same one on Illusions). But it's still pretty non the less :)


Saturday 15 October 2011

Top Five Books I'm looking forward to in 2011-12

Just some books that I am really excited about in the upcomming months and next year. I seriously recommend all of these books to anyone who thinks that they are their type of books.

1. The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa, Oct 25th 2011:

2. Jessica Rules the Darkside by Beth Fantaskey, Jan 10th 2012:

3. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare, Dec 6th 2011:

4. City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare, May 8th 2012:

(Unfortunately the cover hasn't been released yet. It's going to be released in December this year)

5. Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins, Mar 13th 2012:

And they are my favourite out of them all :) So be sure to drop by your local bookstore and pick one of these books up because from what I've heard, these books are EPIC!


Thursday 13 October 2011

Teaser Tuesday and Random Picture Friday

Well hi guys! Sorry for not posting on Wednesday and Friday. Tis back to school time. NOO! Anyway, on to the Teaser and picture:

I drew my sword. “Puck, get some light back there, now.”

Faery fire exploded overhead, a flash of emerald green, lighting the passageway behind us. In the flare, hundreds of shiny, eight-legged creatures scuttled back from the sudden light. The tunnel was full of them, pale and bulbous, with bodies the size of melons and multiple thin legs. But their faces, elven and beautiful, stared down at us coldly, and bared mouthfuls of curved black fangs.

And now onto the picture :)

Ah, how I love
And that is my post for today because my laptop is running out of battery and I still have two more classes.


Tuesday 4 October 2011

3 Random posts of a bored teenager

Right so I know it was only a few minutes since my last post but I felt like blogging a lot today since I'm not going to be able to for a while.

Now, for my first random post, I will talk about manga and anime. Apparently, for manga lovers, there is a condition called MD...or is it MOD? Well MD stands for Manga Disorder but I like to say MOD for Manga Obsession Disorder because I'm cool that way. Anyway, my friends have given me this condition and now I can't stop reading manga. Seriously I have a manga book right next to me now. And anime...I love it equally as much! I watch anime like everyday. *I'm being serious* I'd rather the English Subbed than the English Dubbed. Although sometimes the dubbed can be better than subbed. Meh.

Second random post, random pictures. Random pictures are my favourite. Looking up random pictures is my favourite past-time...apart from playing Zelda. Today, this has to be my favourite random photo:

Maybe I should do a day where I post random picture friday!

Final random post, butterflies. Why am I talking about butterflies? Because I want to. And also because a butterfly just flew past my window just then...

Oh the horror of funny photo's :D
And why are butterflies random? Because they just are. Although I think a platypus would be more random than a butterfly. Although a platypus is so cute!

But evil...they are deadly...I think the male has a poisonous spur on the back of a hind limb. It is capable of causing a human severe pain O.o But they're so cute! But evil...

Well, that was my 3 Random posts of a bored teenager post. :) I shall be posting a Random Picture Friday post on Friday because I come back on Friday morning. *sigh* Then I have stuff on on Friday night and Saturday and Sunday and then it's back to school for me. :P

Goodbye my youngins :)

Teaser Tuesday: The Iron Knight

Hello my youngins. I'm not going to be able to post for a while because I'm going away for the holidays and first week back at school I have a lot of things I need to catch up on. But for now, here is the teaser for today :P

"Having second thoughts?" Puck's voice was soft and dangerous, a far cry from his normal flippancy. "I thought we'd put this behind us for now."

I think that this teaser was already posted in another teaser though the last one had aditional stuff...meh. It's still a teaser.


Saturday 1 October 2011

The Iron Knight Trailer

The Iron Knight trailer is now out! I'm a few days late because my darn Blogger wasn't working. *shakes fist* But here is the book trailer for The Iron Knight. Enjoy!

*sighs* Isn't it wonderful?


Wednesday 28 September 2011

Teaser Tuesday: The Iron Knight

Less than four weeks before the release of The Iron Knight! Eeee I can't wait!
Anyway, here is the teaser for today featuring our all time favourite cat: Grimalkin

"Oh, wonderful." Rudy gave the cat a sour look, grabbing a cloth from below and wiping the countertop. "Look who's here. Back to plague me again, are you? You know that information you traded nearly got me killed?"

"You wanted the location of the giant ruins. I gave it to you. My end of the bargain was upheld."

"I thought they were deserted! You didn't say they were still occupied!"

"You did not ask if they were."

Ah, how awesome is Grim? Seriously, if I had a cat like him....I actually don't know what I would do...meh.

My review for Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Darkside will be up and running in a few days :) I look forward to posting it.

Oh, and before I forget again, there was another teaser I was meant to post today because I completely forgot last week.

Hey, ice-boy, you okay? You’ve got your brooding face on again.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re so full of crap.” Puck lounged in the cradle of a tree, hands behind his head, one foot dangling in the air. “Lighten up already. We finally found the cat—which we should get a freaking medal for, the search for the Golden Fleece wasn’t this hard—and you look like you’re going to engage Mab in single combat first thing in the morning.”

“I’m thinking. You should try it sometime.”

"Ooh, witty."

*grins sheepishly* Sooory.

Anyway, goodbye my young ones. Until next time.


Saturday 24 September 2011

Iron Knight Trailer Snippet!

The Iron Knight is getting it's own trailer! The other books have their own trailers but this one is REALLY cool. Instead of telling you about it, why not let me show you a snippet:

Mwuahaha. Its really cool!

Well watch and enjoy my young ones. And I shall leave you pondering this photo:

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Teaser Tuesday!! And Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

Well hi!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to post in such a long time. But it's school time so I've got a lot of things going on *cough*homework*cough*. Anyway, here is the Teaser for The Iron Knight!
Hey, ice-boy, you okay? You’ve got your brooding face on again.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re so full of crap.” Puck lounged in the cradle of a tree, hands behind his head, one foot dangling in the air. “Lighten up already. We finally found the cat—which we should get a freaking medal for, the search for the Golden Fleece wasn’t this hard—and you look like you’re going to engage Mab in single combat first thing in the morning.”

“I’m thinking. You should try it sometime.”

"Ooh, witty."

Mwuaha! I seriously can't wait for October. Oh, I have a book I need to tell you about.

Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark SideThe undead can really screw up your senior year ...

Marrying a vampire definitely doesn’t fit into Jessica Packwood’s senior year “get-a-life” plan. But then a bizarre (and incredibly hot) new exchange student named Lucius Vladescu shows up, claiming that Jessica is a Romanian vampire princess by birth—and he’s her long-lost fiancé. Armed with newfound confidence and a copy of Growing Up Undead: A Teen Vampire’s Guide to Dating, Health, and Emotions, Jessica makes a dramatic transition from average American teenager to glam European vampire princess. But when a devious cheerleader sets her sights on Lucius, Jess finds herself fighting to win back her wayward prince, stop a global vampire war—and save Lucius’s soul from eternal destruction.
Well, I read this book quite awhile ago but recently re-discovered it. I have read it again and will post my review of it soon but just for today let me tell you how awesome this book is :) There is a sequel comming out soon..I think it's in Jan 2012. But anyway, I shall post my review and recommend this awesome book to you :)

Read and enjoy.


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Triple Teaser!

Hey youngins! So today Julie Kagawa posted two teasers today! Yay! Anyway, without further ado, here are the two teasers:

But seeing her still made my heart beat crazily, made me long to pull her close and let that light consume me. If it burned until there was nothing left, would that be such a terrible fate?

My quest ended here, in this hole of darkness and regret. And, if I didn't die here, if I lived on forever, listening to the voices of those I'd wronged until the end of time, perhaps I would start to atone for what I had done.

And last week I completely forgot to post this teaser :)

She came for me in the end, as I knew she would. I'd made certain it would be her. The terrible Iron Queen, her eyes filled with fury and sorrow, facing me across the ravaged fields of the Nevernever.

Well I will post a little later today. But right now, I will do a special shout out to my three friends who had birthdays this week :) I won't say your names because you told me not to but you know who you are :)

And now I need to go and finish Science work!


Thursday 8 September 2011

Book Name and Cover

Ok so I am working on a book, like I have said before, and I have found a name for it. Midnight Fire. I made a list of possible names:

1. Blue Fire
2. Burning Ice
3. Midnight Fire
4. Never fade

But Midnight Fire kinda did it for me. It won my friends over as well :D I was playing around on Picnik as well and I made this:

What do you guys think? I'm going to ad a bit more onto it but this is what I've done so far :)

And now I need to go so,


Tuesday 6 September 2011

Book Review: The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

Title: The Iron King
Author: Julie Kagawa
Genre: Ya Paranormal
Format: Paperback 368 pages
My rating: 5/5

Meghan Chase has never fit in at her small-town high school, and now, on the eve of her 16th birthday, she discovers why. When her half brother is kidnapped, Meghan is drawn into a fantastical world she never imagined–the world of Faery, where anything you see may try to eat you, and Meghan is the daughter of the summer faery king. Now she will journey into the depths of Faery to face an unknown enemy . . . and beg the help of a winter prince who might as soon kill her as let her touch his
icy heart. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series.
Now, before I start this review let me just say how awesome this series is! I have read all the way up to The Iron Queen and read all the e-novellas in between. I did a review on Winters Passage which takes place between The Iron King and The Iron Daughter. I am impatiently waiting for the next and last book in the series, The Iron Knight. And now, on with the review.

My thoughts: Mrs Kagawa has managed to make a beautifully written story that captures its audience from the first word. And I mean that literally. "Ten years ago, on my sixth birthday, my father disappeared." I mean who wouldn't be drawn in by that sentence? It was a compelling, adventure-filled ride. The ending will seriously make you tear your hair out for the next book. At least, that's what I did because I had to wait FLIPPING AGES for the next book. But I'm sure that if you're new to this series, you won't have to wait like I did and I can guarantee you will love this series as much as I do!

Favourite Lines: "Tomorrows your birthday isn't it? Floppy told me, and I remembered."
"Has anyone told you, you have the maturity level of a four-year old?"

Read and enjoy!


Wednesday 31 August 2011

Top 10 books

I just decided to do this 'cause I'm really bored. I'm gonna make a list of my top ten books that I have read this year. goes nothing :)

1. The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa

2. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

3. Ingo by Helen Dunmore

4. Wicked Lovely by Melissa Mar

5. Shiver by Maggie Steifvater

6. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

7. Water for elephants by Sara Gruen

8. The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

9. Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin

10. Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder

And here is my top ten books that I have read in 2011. Now they might not have been published in 2011 but they're just the one's I've read this year :)
Hope you enjoyed this strange post and I really recommend every book on my list to you. Read and enjoy.


Tuesday 30 August 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Wow this blog has been lonely. There was no teaser tuesday last week so I had nothing really to post. Though I do feel sorry for my other blog because I promised it a post and I was sick so I couldn't post :( Sadness.
Anyway, here is a teaser for The Iron Knight :)

"Did you think this would have a happily-ever-after? Between a mortal and a fey? How did you think this was going to end?" 

Mwuahahaha! I promise that I will post soon :) And if I don' cake for me :(


Thursday 18 August 2011

Interesting News

Ok so this might not be very interesting but I got my braces off yesterday! I'm very happy :) My teeth and like...really weird now. It feels so weird. But yea I look heaps different and apparently really scary...(says my friends). I've also got a lisp. It's very funny when I try and say "Seven Slithering Snakes". That is like the hardest sentence I've ever had to say before.
Now this was a very short post but I just felt like saying this. I hope you liked my interesting news, now what is your interesting news? (even though no-one will really reply) I would still like to know if anyone has any interesting news. It can be from years ago if you want. Like, one day I was sick and....actually I'm not going to tell you guys that because it was an extremely embarrassing tale and I don't think I would really want to post it on the internet for all sorts of people to see (hinting at pedophiles who drive around in white vans) Speaking of white vans I saw 8 the other day. What is the world coming to?
Well this has been fun but anyway, I'm going now!


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Teaser Tuesday-The Iron Knight

Another Tuesday, another Teaser. Sigh, how wonderful :D Right well as always here is a teaser for The Iron Knight featuring Puck and Grim :)

Puck snorted. "Yeah, your perfect kitty vision does us no good if you don't warn us that something is coming once in awhile. Poofing away doesn't count. That way, we can at least have a heads-up."

The cat thumped his tail. "Additionally, you can paint a neon sign over our heads that says, 'Easy meal, follow the flashing lights.'"

"Or we could use you for bait..."

Tee hee :) And now I shall leave you pondering this picture:


Thursday 11 August 2011

Picnik....and other fun websites

Now I have just recently found out about the awesome photo-editing website called Picnik. I have a few photos in which I have edited by this awesome site. And a few of them are.....these:

Now aren't they awesome? Pfft nah they are a youngins work. My friend can edit really fact she's doing it right now :P Do you know what else I found out about? Nothing! Or...just website makers....which I forgot. Blegh...and yes that person lying down is me after rolling down a hill....duh....but yea I'm pretty smooth :D

Now I really need to go since it IS school time and I should be doing History work instead of this so I must the good girl I am :P


Wednesday 10 August 2011

The random rant of a bored blogger

I'm in D&T now and it is 4 minutes until the bell and I am FRREEE! Anyway, I am extremely bored so I think I might just post some random things and thoughts:

And now I shall give you some thoughts I have had over the last few days and also some things about me you may not have known:

1. I hate the sun
2. I sleep with a teddy
3. Have you ever noticed on all of St Georges' ads there is a dragon in the background or somewhere in the ad?
4. Makeup makes your face feel full
5. I love shopping with my mum but not for clothes NOOO I love window shopping and going into nice smelling shops like "Dusk"
6. It is now 1 minute to the bell
7. The bell just rang
8. Goodbye fellow weirdos


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Teaser Tuesday and Deleted Scene

So today's the day for a Teaser so I shall post, and post well. This is the second teaser for The Iron Knight and Julie Kagawa also posted a deleted balcony scene between Meghan and Ash during The Iron Queen. I will post that too. So read, and enjoy. Um, the black one is the Teaser and the blue one is the deleted scene.

The door past the sphinxes opened to another narrow corridor, empty of fire-breathing dragons this time, but no less strange. It stretched away into the darkness, lit only by orange candlelight, flickering against walls. The flames seemed to float in the air, reflecting off the surfaces of hundreds of full-length mirrors lining the corridor on both sides. 

Glancing at my own image, I paused, faintly surprised at the stranger in the mirror. The pale, dark-haired reflection stared back grimly, clothes tattered around the edges, eyes touched with exhaustion. I barely recognized myself, but maybe that was a good thing. After all, that was why I was here; to become something else, someone else. If all went as planned, Ashalyn’darkmyr Tallyn, third prince of the Unseelie Court, would no longer exist. 

What will it be like as a human? I wondered at my reflection. Will I still be myself? Will I remember everything about my life in the Winter Court, or will all those memories disappear? 

I shook my head. It was useless to wonder about that now, when we were so close, but still… 

“Come on, handsome.” Puck put a hand on my shoulder, and I brushed it off. “Quit preening. I think we’re almost there.” 

As we started down the corridor, wary of traps and pits and ambushes, I thought of Meghan, back in the Iron Kingdom. It would be dreadfully ironic, I mused, if once I earned a soul, I forgot everything about being fey, including all my memories of her. That sort of ending seemed appropriately tragic; the smitten fey creature becomes human but forgets why he wanted to in the first place. Old fairytales loved that sort of irony. 

I won’t let that happen, I told myself, clenching my fists. If I have to have Puck tell me everything, even if he has to go through our entire history, I will find a way to make it back to her. I will not become human only to forget it all. 

The hallway went on. The flickering candles cast strange lights in the opposite mirrors, endless rows of flame, stretching to infinity. From the corner of my eye, I saw my own dark reflection, walking along beside me. Smirking. 

Except, I wasn’t. 

I stepped close and slipped my arms around his waist, hearing his quiet intake of breath as I pulled him against me. “That was a long time ago,” I murmured, pressing my cheek to his back, listening to his thudding heart. “You’ve changed since then. That Ash wouldn’t protect a silly human girl with his life, or become her knight, or walk into exile with her. Every step of the way, you’ve always been there, right beside me. I’m not letting you go now.”

“I’m a coward.” Ash’s voice was subdued. “If I cared for you as much as I should, I would end my life and the curse along with it. My existence puts you in danger. If I were no longer here—”

“Don’t you dare, Ashallyn’darkmyr Tallyn.” I held him tighter, even as he flinched at the sound of his True Name. “Don’t you dare throw your life away for an unknown superstition. If you die—” My voice broke, and I swallowed thickly. “I love you,” I whispered, fisting my hands against his stomach. “You can’t leave. You swore you wouldn’t.”

Ash’s hands came to rest over mine, twining our fingers together. “Even if the world stands against you,” he murmured, bowing his head. “I promise.”

For awhile, we just stood like that, content not to move, as the wind howled around us and tugged at our hair and clothes. Ash, true to form, was perfectly still. I closed my eyes and lost myself in his quiet breathing, in the rise and fall of his chest, in the beat of his heart. It was hard to believe, sometimes, that this—this beautiful, solemn, immortal prince in my arms—was mine.


His voice rumbled in my ear, low and hesitant. “Yes?” I whispered, and he shifted around to face me, taking my hands in his. For a few moments, he gazed at our interlocked fingers, running his thumb gently over my skin, as if gathering his thoughts.

“Be patient with me,” he said at last, furrowing his brow. His gaze finally shifted up to mine, bright and soulful. “It’s…difficult sometimes, to watch you fight, to see you throw yourself into danger again and again.” One hand came up, long fingers gently touching my cheek. “I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you,” he murmured. “I wish I could protect you from everything.”

“I know,” I said, smiling up at him. “But, it’s my turn now. You’ve done so much already, Ash; now it’s my turn to protect you. You and Puck and the Nevernever, and…and everyone.” I sighed and looked past him, at the clouds sweeping over the iron realm. “If I could just figure out a way to do that.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Ash’s voice was resigned, and he drew me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. Sighing, he lowered his head, soft strands of his hair brushing my forehead. “Just…try not to give me a heart attack when you do.”

“I can’t promise anything,” I whispered back. “But, I’ll try.”

His expression twitched in a faint smile, and he gave a tiny shake of his head. “I suppose that’s all I can ask for—” But before he could finish, I slipped my arms around his neck, leaned up, and took his lips with mine.

He made a faint noise of surprise, before his eyes fluttered shut and he leaned into me, pulling us closer. I savored the feel of his lips against mine, breathing in his scent, that sharp mix of frost and peppermint. He breathed my name, just one simple word, and it turned my stomach inside out and set my whole body on fire. It made me desperate to get closer, made me bolder then I’d ever been. I pressed forward, pushing him against the railing, standing on tiptoe to trail kisses down his neck. He groaned, tilting his head back, hands sliding up to tangle in my hair. I couldn’t get close enough, it seemed. Never close enough.

Ash ducked his head, meeting my lips again, his kisses suddenly crushing, devouring. One arm snaked around my waist, the other cupped the back of my head, pressing us together, like two puzzle pieces that finally clicked. I held him as tightly as I could, feeling the hard, lithe muscles of his back, shifting through his armor. Wishing it was suddenly gone, that I could feel his cool skin under my fingers. His cloak fluttered around us, like the edges of tattered wings, cocooning us both, and I didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world.

Ash drew back suddenly, breathing deep, trying to control himself. I felt his heart beneath his armor, hammering in his chest. He dropped his gaze, shoulders heaving, though his arms didn’t loosen their grip, and resisted my attempt to pull back.


The look he gave me was almost frightening in its intensity. “Command me,” he whispered, bringing his face close to mine. His eyes seared into me, challenging and pleading all at once. “Tell me to stop, and I will.”

I gazed at him, well aware that my own heart was doing its best to crash through my ribs. Ash watched me, silver eyes blazing with desire, and love. I reached up and touched his face, and he closed his eyes, putting his hand over mine, pressing it to his cheek, before his gaze flickered to me again.

Waiting. He wouldn’t go any further unless I told him to. He was letting me decide, like he’d promised. I could walk away from him now, and he wouldn’t follow. Or I could tell him to go, and he would. We could stop this, right now, if I wasn’t completely ready.

I swallowed hard, pulled his lips down to mine, and whispered:


Tee hee :)


Saturday 6 August 2011

Teaser Tuesday-The Iron Knight

Hello my fellow young ones. I have been quite sick *still am and don't know why I'm doing this* these past few days. I am about to faint at the computer so lets make this quick.
Julie Kagawa released the first Teaser for her book The Iron Knight. Tis awesome and teaserish so without further ado, here it is:

"Having second thoughts?” Puck’s voice was soft and dangerous, a far cry from his normal flippancy. “I thought we put this behind us for now.”

“Never,” I said, matching his stare. “I can’t ever take it back, Goodfellow. I’m still going to kill you. I swore to her I would.” Lighting flickered overhead, and thunder rumbled in the distance as we faced each other with narrowed eyes. “One day,” I said softly. “One day you’ll look up, and I’ll be there. That’s the only ending for us. Don’t ever forget.”

Mwuahahaha! Now wasn't that a tease? *sighs* How I love Ash...
Now off I go to faint on the couch or somewhere soft.

Monday 1 August 2011

New Blog and Short Stack

OK, so I have made a new blog. This blog is about Zelda and I'll be transferring my Zelda posts to my new blog if that makes sense. Oh right the address,

And for some other news, I went to the Short Stack Concert on the 29th and my gosh it was awesome. I've never been to a concert before so it was a kinda new experience for me. It was loud, packed and my head and feet hurt. But other than that I loved it! I have some videos but I'm not going to put them up just yet. I'm waiting for my camera to be nice and let me plug it in. In other words I've lost my connector.
So I'll post some videos and I'll also be posting on my new blog. :) Be happy and check it out.


Sunday 31 July 2011

Fairy? Or Butterfly?

Now I know this is quite a strange topic but my friend just asked me, what would I like on the end of the pair of wings she just drew, a fairy? Or a butterfly? And that got me thinking. How did fairies end up being introduced with butterfly wings? I'm pretty sure some authors of fairy tales like Cinderella had a reason to make fairies appear half butterfly. Maybe it was to make them appeal to the younger audience? Or maybe it was just to make them look pretty and magical. Well whatever the reason it is quite strange to portray fairies and fairy tales like this:

When they originally looked like this:

Which is a Sidhe. Pronounced 'she'.

But really...maybe fairies got portrayed like this because it's just their view on what they should look like? Or maybe I should just Google it instead....oh the vast knowledge of Google. What would we do without it?
Anyway, I'm off to look up 'Fairies' on Google. This will be a dangerous adventure. I will come across many evil monsters such as the laughing females and the curious friends. Meh. Well I shall stop boring you now with my ranting. Farewell fair strangers.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Post from Ellie

hey guys,

so i was [btw, Zandy is annoyed that im not using caps... TAKE THIS)

so anyway

i am an extreme doctor who fan and no surprise, i have a shitake (mushrooms) amount of doctor who merchendise...

ASSASSIN'S CREED REVELATION IS COMING OUT AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EZIO!!!!!!!!!!!


so i have:
-dr who t-shirt
-dr who poster
-dr who mug
-dr who bottle top opener
-four dr who annual books
-dr who monsters guide
-dr who calender
-dr who drawings
-dalek clay model,
and thats just from this year!!! (jk)

ttyl <3

Short Stack Concert

I am extremely excited! Why? Because I'm going to a Short Stack Concert on the 29th of July! I have just recently ordered my tickets and hopefully *fingers crossed* they will arrive on Tuesday...not Wednesday. Yaay! My friends and I have entered a competiton, so that if we win, we will be able to go backstage and meet Short Stack! And also get all this awesome merchandise and signed things. Wow, I seriously can't wait. I will post, telling you guys whether we have won or not...I seriously hope we have won. It will be awesome to be able to meet Short Stack...and for those who don't know Short Stack...shame on you...they are an Australian band...look them up because they are too awesome for my petty words of praise...hehe that sounded pretty cool.
Anyway, I'll post later.

Friday 22 July 2011

Winters Passage Review

Winter's PassageMeghan Chase used to be an ordinary girl...until she discovered that she is really a faery princess. After escaping from the clutches of the deadly Iron fey, Meghan must follow through on her promise to return to the equally dangerous Winter Court with her forbidden love, Prince Ash. But first, Meghan has one request: that they visit Puck-Meghan's best friend and servant of her father, King Oberon-who was gravely injured defending Meghan from the Iron Fey.
Yet Meghan and Ash's detour does not go unnoticed. They have caught the attention of an ancient, powerful hunter-a foe that even Ash may not be able to defeat....

*Spoilers for those who haven't read the Iron King*
Wow. I know this was a novella but still. Wow. This was an amazing read. Short but action packed. There were a few moments where it was just laying low, waiting but even those bits weren't boring. The action starts literally right away and this novella starts where The Iron King ends. Literally. Seriously, Meghan Chase is walking out of her door when The Iron King ends and Winters Passage starts with her going down her driveway to where Prince Ash is. Anyway, on with the review.
I loved this book. I loved it with a fiery passion. When I got it from the generous people at NetGalley, I read it straight away and finished it 15 minuets later. And do you know what I did? I read it again! *sarcastic wow* No but seriously this was the type of novella where even though it's only a few pages, you just want to read it over, and over again and memorize every single word. 
Mrs Kagawa delivered once again, a beautiful story that follows Prince Ash and Meghan Chase through the Wyld Wood, the mortal realm and Tir Na Nog. On their way, they have a little trouble with an ancient hunter who thinks that Meghan has been captured by Ash. He follows them throughout the Wyld Wood. When Meghan and Ash cross into Winters' territory, they finally come face to face, where they finally find out what the ancient hunters' real motives are. Well in the end, after a pretty cool fight scene, everything gets resolved and Meghan ends up meeting the pretty awesome but also pretty freaky Winter Queen, Mab. 
I've read all the books in the series apart from the last book, The Iron Knight, which is coming out on the 25th October 2011. So this review is a tad late *cough cough* and it's my first so be nice.
Anyway I really look forward to reading The Iron Knight soon and hopefully I'll be able to post a review of that book. I love this series and hope that Julie Kagawas' new series will be as good, maybe even better, than The Iron Fey Series. 

Monday 18 July 2011


Ok so I have some good news. I have now uploaded my book onto I will give you guys the link and please read it and comment on it. I know there's some errors, I haven't really gone over it and corrected it or anything. This is the first part of chapter 1 and it's called Midnight Fire. I know that's a really common name but it's kinda perfect for my book :) So comment and I'll post the second part soon.

Oh yea, I'm posting my review of Julie Kagawa's Winter's Passage soon so be on the look out for that as well.

So here is the link to my story, hope you like it!

By the way I also have a youtube account called Zandytandy123 and I have 3 videos. If you guys want to check it out, that would be really cool. Thanks guys!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Awesome news :)

OK, so I got up at 5 am this morning to watch Julie Kagawa host her Livestream I was one of the many excited fans to be able to witness this and also take part in the crazy chat that went on throughout the video. Basically, the video was about Julie Kagawa's background, how she came to write the Iron Fey Series and other things about her books. But the thing that got my attention (even though everything else was extremely riviting) was the information about the Iron Knight. Now for those unlucky people who were not able to view this live video, I'm pretty sure that Harlequin Teen will post a replay of the video soon and Julie Kagawa will also post it on her blog. But hey, let me tell you, it was....AWESOME. Seriously. I was sweating all the way through because I was so nervous. That is dedication right there.
She talked about the Iron Knight and showed the cover (both front and back) and finally revealed the synopsis of the Iron Knight. Do you want to see it? OK, here it is. Enjoy :)

Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.

Unless he can earn a soul.
To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.

To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.

And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Awesome, I know. I was squealing (quietly) when I heard this. But that wasn't the most exciting announcement Mrs Kagawa had in store for us. She also read an excerpt from the Iron Knight and then later posted it on her blog! So you guys can check it out there but I will also post it on my blog. it is. The first excerpt of The Iron Knight.

My name, my full, True name, is Ashallayn’darkmyr Tallyn, and I am the last son of the Unseelie Court.

There were three of us at one time, all princes of Winter, myself and my brothers, Sage and Rowan. I never knew my sire, never cared to know him, nor did my siblings ever speak of him. I wasn’t even positive we shared the same sire, but it didn’t matter. In the Unseelie Court, Mab was the sole ruler, the one and only queen. Handsome fey and even wayward mortals she might take to her bed, but Mab shared her throne with no one.

We were never close, my brothers and I. As princes of Winter, we grew up in a world of violence and dark politics. Our queen only encouraged this, favoring the son who earned her good graces while punishing the others. We used each other, played vicious games against one another, but we were all loyal to our court and our queen. Or so I’d thought.

There is a reason the Winter Court freezes out their emotions, why feelings are considered a weakness and a folly among the Unseelie fey. Emotion corrupts the senses, makes them weak, makes them disloyal to kith and court. Jealousy was a dark, dangerous passion that ate at my brother Rowan until he did the unthinkable and turned on his court, betraying us to our enemies. Sage, my eldest sibling, fell to Rowan’s treachery, and he was only the first. In a bid for power, Rowan sided with our greatest enemies, the Iron fey, helping their king nearly destroy the Nevernever. I killed Rowan in the end, avenging Sage and the rest of my kin, but retribution cannot bring either of them back. It’s only me, now. I am the last, the only remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court.

And I’m already dead to her.

Rowan was not the only one to succumb to emotion and passion. My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl. A girl named Meghan Chase, the half-human daughter of our ancient rival, the Summer King. Fate brought us together, and despite everything I did to shield my emotions, despite the laws of our people and the war with the Iron Fey and the threat of eternal banishment from my home, I still found myself falling for her. Our paths were woven together, our fates intertwined, and before the last battle I swore I would follow her to the end of the world, to protect her from all threats, including my own kin, and to die for her if called to do so. I became her knight, and would have gladly served this girl, this mortal who had captured my heart, until the last breath left my body.

But Fate is a cruel mistress, and in the end, our paths were forced apart, as I feared they would. Meghan became the Iron Queen, as was her destiny, and took the throne in the kingdom of the Iron fey. A place I could not follow, not as I am—a faery creature whose essence weakens and burns at the touch of iron. Meghan herself exiled me from the lands of the Iron fey, knowing that staying would kill me, knowing I would try anyway. But before I left, I swore an oath that I would find a way to return, that someday we would be together, and nothing would separate us again. Mab tried to convince me to return to the Winter Court—I was her only prince now, and it was my duty to come home—but I bluntly stated that I was no longer part of the Unseelie Court, that my service to her and Winter was at an end.

There is nothing more terrible than a spurned faery queen, particularly if that was the second time you’d defied her. I escaped the Winter Court with my life intact, but just barely, and I won’t be returning any time soon. Regardless, I feel little regret at turning my back on my queen, my kith, and my home. That part of my life is done. My loyalty, and my heart, belongs to another queen now.

I promised I’d find a way for us to be together. I intend to keep that promise. Even if it means trekking through a sprawling, deadly marsh in search of a rumor. Even if it means putting up with my fiercest and most annoying rival, Robin Goodfellow who—despite all his attempts to hide it—is in love with my queen as well. I don’t know why I haven’t killed him yet. Maybe because Puck is Meghan’s closest friend, and she would mourn him terribly if he were gone (though I can’t understand why). Or, maybe, deep down, I’m tired of being alone.

In any case, it matters little. With every ruin we search, every dragon we slay or every rumor we unearth, I’m one step closer to my goal. Even if it takes a hundred years, I will be with her in the end. Another piece of the puzzle lurks somewhere in this dreary swampland. The only difficulty lies in finding it.

*faints* And I'm the one that's posting this! But still it is so exciting! I love, love, LOVE Ash! And here's some proof.

That little black writting all over the pencil case? Yep, thats Ash's name. I am a true fan.
Here is the version with the flash on.

And here is the version without the flash. :) I feel proud of myself. It took me a whole month to do all that.

*sighs* I do not regret my efforts. They have been well spent. But anyway, back onto Julie Kagawa news. She is releasing the Iron Knight in October so be on the lookout for it then. Oh yea, Teaser Tuesday will be commencing in August. Yaaaay!
Also, Julie Kagawa is releasing a new series in the spring of 2012. It's called The Immortal Rules and the first book is called The Blood of Eden. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world and instead of faeries...Mrs Kagawa has moved onto vampires. Tee hee. But do not fear fellow Iron Fey Fans, she is also releasing another Iron Fey trilogy that is set several years after the events of the first Iron Fey Series and stars an older Ethan Chase, Meghan's brother. *squeals* Isn't that awesome? I seriously can't wait. I don't know when the first book is comming out or what it's called but I'm sure it's gonna be as awesome as the first series. Mrs Kagawa has outdone herself, yet again.

You can check on Julie Kagawa's blog for the link to her livestream replay for all those who didn't get to see it. *sighs* I think my work here is done for the day. I'll post later.


Tuesday 12 July 2011

Long time no blog

Well hi youngins! It's been a while :)
I don't really have very much news other than I am full from my wonderful dinner. Tee hee. I wuv my mother. Yes, thats right, I'm a mummies girl. And a proud one too :)

Ok, well I have a small announcement:

I am now obsessed with Deltora Quest and Glee. I have only read the last four books of Deltora Quest but I'm watching the anime to make up for it :) I have only watched a few episodes of Glee as well but I am still in love with it. The people that act on that TV show are truely talented. Inspiring, you might say.

Well it is a very short blog but time is of the essence to finish the first few chapters of my book that I have yet to upload to but I'm slowly chugging through it. I really need a USB...*trails off in thoughts of shiny USB's*

Well, thats me for the day! Cya!

Friday 1 July 2011

Happiness smells like cupcakes and other random things

Wow, this blog looks a tad lonely. All my productions and exams are over but I've been really sick so I haven't been able to post anything. :( Sadness.

Anyway, onto the post. I found out a few things while being sick. Like lying in bed for a week without a shower really makes you smell :P Blegh. And that happiness really smells like cupcakes. I sniffed a cupcake the other day and I said to myself, "This smells like happiness...what a great name for a blog post!". So there you have it, the reason for today's blog post name :)

And onto the 'Random things' part.
OK, so I know this is insanely weird of me to suddenly say this but I LOVE CHRISTINA GRIMMIE! Like, I don't love, love her I just love her songs and talent :) She's a 17 year-old singer who was found on youtube. She did covers of other songs and played along on the piano. She is really, really talented. Her voice is amazing, seriously! She isn't a signed singer but she goes on tour with Selena Gomez sometimes. My friend introduced her to me so I'm not like some crazy fan, but I still do really like her :) You guys should look her up. She is amazing.

Well thats it for my really random post about nothing important except for Christina Grimmie *tee hee* so I shall post something a bit later when I find something to post about :)
Till next time my youngins!