Sunday 31 July 2011

Fairy? Or Butterfly?

Now I know this is quite a strange topic but my friend just asked me, what would I like on the end of the pair of wings she just drew, a fairy? Or a butterfly? And that got me thinking. How did fairies end up being introduced with butterfly wings? I'm pretty sure some authors of fairy tales like Cinderella had a reason to make fairies appear half butterfly. Maybe it was to make them appeal to the younger audience? Or maybe it was just to make them look pretty and magical. Well whatever the reason it is quite strange to portray fairies and fairy tales like this:

When they originally looked like this:

Which is a Sidhe. Pronounced 'she'.

But really...maybe fairies got portrayed like this because it's just their view on what they should look like? Or maybe I should just Google it instead....oh the vast knowledge of Google. What would we do without it?
Anyway, I'm off to look up 'Fairies' on Google. This will be a dangerous adventure. I will come across many evil monsters such as the laughing females and the curious friends. Meh. Well I shall stop boring you now with my ranting. Farewell fair strangers.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Post from Ellie

hey guys,

so i was [btw, Zandy is annoyed that im not using caps... TAKE THIS)

so anyway

i am an extreme doctor who fan and no surprise, i have a shitake (mushrooms) amount of doctor who merchendise...

ASSASSIN'S CREED REVELATION IS COMING OUT AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EZIO!!!!!!!!!!!


so i have:
-dr who t-shirt
-dr who poster
-dr who mug
-dr who bottle top opener
-four dr who annual books
-dr who monsters guide
-dr who calender
-dr who drawings
-dalek clay model,
and thats just from this year!!! (jk)

ttyl <3

Short Stack Concert

I am extremely excited! Why? Because I'm going to a Short Stack Concert on the 29th of July! I have just recently ordered my tickets and hopefully *fingers crossed* they will arrive on Tuesday...not Wednesday. Yaay! My friends and I have entered a competiton, so that if we win, we will be able to go backstage and meet Short Stack! And also get all this awesome merchandise and signed things. Wow, I seriously can't wait. I will post, telling you guys whether we have won or not...I seriously hope we have won. It will be awesome to be able to meet Short Stack...and for those who don't know Short Stack...shame on you...they are an Australian band...look them up because they are too awesome for my petty words of praise...hehe that sounded pretty cool.
Anyway, I'll post later.

Friday 22 July 2011

Winters Passage Review

Winter's PassageMeghan Chase used to be an ordinary girl...until she discovered that she is really a faery princess. After escaping from the clutches of the deadly Iron fey, Meghan must follow through on her promise to return to the equally dangerous Winter Court with her forbidden love, Prince Ash. But first, Meghan has one request: that they visit Puck-Meghan's best friend and servant of her father, King Oberon-who was gravely injured defending Meghan from the Iron Fey.
Yet Meghan and Ash's detour does not go unnoticed. They have caught the attention of an ancient, powerful hunter-a foe that even Ash may not be able to defeat....

*Spoilers for those who haven't read the Iron King*
Wow. I know this was a novella but still. Wow. This was an amazing read. Short but action packed. There were a few moments where it was just laying low, waiting but even those bits weren't boring. The action starts literally right away and this novella starts where The Iron King ends. Literally. Seriously, Meghan Chase is walking out of her door when The Iron King ends and Winters Passage starts with her going down her driveway to where Prince Ash is. Anyway, on with the review.
I loved this book. I loved it with a fiery passion. When I got it from the generous people at NetGalley, I read it straight away and finished it 15 minuets later. And do you know what I did? I read it again! *sarcastic wow* No but seriously this was the type of novella where even though it's only a few pages, you just want to read it over, and over again and memorize every single word. 
Mrs Kagawa delivered once again, a beautiful story that follows Prince Ash and Meghan Chase through the Wyld Wood, the mortal realm and Tir Na Nog. On their way, they have a little trouble with an ancient hunter who thinks that Meghan has been captured by Ash. He follows them throughout the Wyld Wood. When Meghan and Ash cross into Winters' territory, they finally come face to face, where they finally find out what the ancient hunters' real motives are. Well in the end, after a pretty cool fight scene, everything gets resolved and Meghan ends up meeting the pretty awesome but also pretty freaky Winter Queen, Mab. 
I've read all the books in the series apart from the last book, The Iron Knight, which is coming out on the 25th October 2011. So this review is a tad late *cough cough* and it's my first so be nice.
Anyway I really look forward to reading The Iron Knight soon and hopefully I'll be able to post a review of that book. I love this series and hope that Julie Kagawas' new series will be as good, maybe even better, than The Iron Fey Series. 

Monday 18 July 2011


Ok so I have some good news. I have now uploaded my book onto I will give you guys the link and please read it and comment on it. I know there's some errors, I haven't really gone over it and corrected it or anything. This is the first part of chapter 1 and it's called Midnight Fire. I know that's a really common name but it's kinda perfect for my book :) So comment and I'll post the second part soon.

Oh yea, I'm posting my review of Julie Kagawa's Winter's Passage soon so be on the look out for that as well.

So here is the link to my story, hope you like it!

By the way I also have a youtube account called Zandytandy123 and I have 3 videos. If you guys want to check it out, that would be really cool. Thanks guys!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Awesome news :)

OK, so I got up at 5 am this morning to watch Julie Kagawa host her Livestream I was one of the many excited fans to be able to witness this and also take part in the crazy chat that went on throughout the video. Basically, the video was about Julie Kagawa's background, how she came to write the Iron Fey Series and other things about her books. But the thing that got my attention (even though everything else was extremely riviting) was the information about the Iron Knight. Now for those unlucky people who were not able to view this live video, I'm pretty sure that Harlequin Teen will post a replay of the video soon and Julie Kagawa will also post it on her blog. But hey, let me tell you, it was....AWESOME. Seriously. I was sweating all the way through because I was so nervous. That is dedication right there.
She talked about the Iron Knight and showed the cover (both front and back) and finally revealed the synopsis of the Iron Knight. Do you want to see it? OK, here it is. Enjoy :)

Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.

Unless he can earn a soul.
To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.

To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.

And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Awesome, I know. I was squealing (quietly) when I heard this. But that wasn't the most exciting announcement Mrs Kagawa had in store for us. She also read an excerpt from the Iron Knight and then later posted it on her blog! So you guys can check it out there but I will also post it on my blog. it is. The first excerpt of The Iron Knight.

My name, my full, True name, is Ashallayn’darkmyr Tallyn, and I am the last son of the Unseelie Court.

There were three of us at one time, all princes of Winter, myself and my brothers, Sage and Rowan. I never knew my sire, never cared to know him, nor did my siblings ever speak of him. I wasn’t even positive we shared the same sire, but it didn’t matter. In the Unseelie Court, Mab was the sole ruler, the one and only queen. Handsome fey and even wayward mortals she might take to her bed, but Mab shared her throne with no one.

We were never close, my brothers and I. As princes of Winter, we grew up in a world of violence and dark politics. Our queen only encouraged this, favoring the son who earned her good graces while punishing the others. We used each other, played vicious games against one another, but we were all loyal to our court and our queen. Or so I’d thought.

There is a reason the Winter Court freezes out their emotions, why feelings are considered a weakness and a folly among the Unseelie fey. Emotion corrupts the senses, makes them weak, makes them disloyal to kith and court. Jealousy was a dark, dangerous passion that ate at my brother Rowan until he did the unthinkable and turned on his court, betraying us to our enemies. Sage, my eldest sibling, fell to Rowan’s treachery, and he was only the first. In a bid for power, Rowan sided with our greatest enemies, the Iron fey, helping their king nearly destroy the Nevernever. I killed Rowan in the end, avenging Sage and the rest of my kin, but retribution cannot bring either of them back. It’s only me, now. I am the last, the only remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court.

And I’m already dead to her.

Rowan was not the only one to succumb to emotion and passion. My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl. A girl named Meghan Chase, the half-human daughter of our ancient rival, the Summer King. Fate brought us together, and despite everything I did to shield my emotions, despite the laws of our people and the war with the Iron Fey and the threat of eternal banishment from my home, I still found myself falling for her. Our paths were woven together, our fates intertwined, and before the last battle I swore I would follow her to the end of the world, to protect her from all threats, including my own kin, and to die for her if called to do so. I became her knight, and would have gladly served this girl, this mortal who had captured my heart, until the last breath left my body.

But Fate is a cruel mistress, and in the end, our paths were forced apart, as I feared they would. Meghan became the Iron Queen, as was her destiny, and took the throne in the kingdom of the Iron fey. A place I could not follow, not as I am—a faery creature whose essence weakens and burns at the touch of iron. Meghan herself exiled me from the lands of the Iron fey, knowing that staying would kill me, knowing I would try anyway. But before I left, I swore an oath that I would find a way to return, that someday we would be together, and nothing would separate us again. Mab tried to convince me to return to the Winter Court—I was her only prince now, and it was my duty to come home—but I bluntly stated that I was no longer part of the Unseelie Court, that my service to her and Winter was at an end.

There is nothing more terrible than a spurned faery queen, particularly if that was the second time you’d defied her. I escaped the Winter Court with my life intact, but just barely, and I won’t be returning any time soon. Regardless, I feel little regret at turning my back on my queen, my kith, and my home. That part of my life is done. My loyalty, and my heart, belongs to another queen now.

I promised I’d find a way for us to be together. I intend to keep that promise. Even if it means trekking through a sprawling, deadly marsh in search of a rumor. Even if it means putting up with my fiercest and most annoying rival, Robin Goodfellow who—despite all his attempts to hide it—is in love with my queen as well. I don’t know why I haven’t killed him yet. Maybe because Puck is Meghan’s closest friend, and she would mourn him terribly if he were gone (though I can’t understand why). Or, maybe, deep down, I’m tired of being alone.

In any case, it matters little. With every ruin we search, every dragon we slay or every rumor we unearth, I’m one step closer to my goal. Even if it takes a hundred years, I will be with her in the end. Another piece of the puzzle lurks somewhere in this dreary swampland. The only difficulty lies in finding it.

*faints* And I'm the one that's posting this! But still it is so exciting! I love, love, LOVE Ash! And here's some proof.

That little black writting all over the pencil case? Yep, thats Ash's name. I am a true fan.
Here is the version with the flash on.

And here is the version without the flash. :) I feel proud of myself. It took me a whole month to do all that.

*sighs* I do not regret my efforts. They have been well spent. But anyway, back onto Julie Kagawa news. She is releasing the Iron Knight in October so be on the lookout for it then. Oh yea, Teaser Tuesday will be commencing in August. Yaaaay!
Also, Julie Kagawa is releasing a new series in the spring of 2012. It's called The Immortal Rules and the first book is called The Blood of Eden. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world and instead of faeries...Mrs Kagawa has moved onto vampires. Tee hee. But do not fear fellow Iron Fey Fans, she is also releasing another Iron Fey trilogy that is set several years after the events of the first Iron Fey Series and stars an older Ethan Chase, Meghan's brother. *squeals* Isn't that awesome? I seriously can't wait. I don't know when the first book is comming out or what it's called but I'm sure it's gonna be as awesome as the first series. Mrs Kagawa has outdone herself, yet again.

You can check on Julie Kagawa's blog for the link to her livestream replay for all those who didn't get to see it. *sighs* I think my work here is done for the day. I'll post later.


Tuesday 12 July 2011

Long time no blog

Well hi youngins! It's been a while :)
I don't really have very much news other than I am full from my wonderful dinner. Tee hee. I wuv my mother. Yes, thats right, I'm a mummies girl. And a proud one too :)

Ok, well I have a small announcement:

I am now obsessed with Deltora Quest and Glee. I have only read the last four books of Deltora Quest but I'm watching the anime to make up for it :) I have only watched a few episodes of Glee as well but I am still in love with it. The people that act on that TV show are truely talented. Inspiring, you might say.

Well it is a very short blog but time is of the essence to finish the first few chapters of my book that I have yet to upload to but I'm slowly chugging through it. I really need a USB...*trails off in thoughts of shiny USB's*

Well, thats me for the day! Cya!

Friday 1 July 2011

Happiness smells like cupcakes and other random things

Wow, this blog looks a tad lonely. All my productions and exams are over but I've been really sick so I haven't been able to post anything. :( Sadness.

Anyway, onto the post. I found out a few things while being sick. Like lying in bed for a week without a shower really makes you smell :P Blegh. And that happiness really smells like cupcakes. I sniffed a cupcake the other day and I said to myself, "This smells like happiness...what a great name for a blog post!". So there you have it, the reason for today's blog post name :)

And onto the 'Random things' part.
OK, so I know this is insanely weird of me to suddenly say this but I LOVE CHRISTINA GRIMMIE! Like, I don't love, love her I just love her songs and talent :) She's a 17 year-old singer who was found on youtube. She did covers of other songs and played along on the piano. She is really, really talented. Her voice is amazing, seriously! She isn't a signed singer but she goes on tour with Selena Gomez sometimes. My friend introduced her to me so I'm not like some crazy fan, but I still do really like her :) You guys should look her up. She is amazing.

Well thats it for my really random post about nothing important except for Christina Grimmie *tee hee* so I shall post something a bit later when I find something to post about :)
Till next time my youngins!