Sunday 29 May 2011

Nintendo 64 is so old/The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time

Right, well this will be an extremely long post because this is something I absolutely love. So on with the good stuff. Does anyone know a game console called the Nintendo 64? It's very old and out-dated and I don't think they sell the games anymore. Well I have it and I must say...I love it! I love it even more than XBOX's and Wii's and any other random consoles. I'm sorry but like  I said, I love my Nintendo and I will never give it up. :D How's that for committment?
I only have three games but I am very happy with those three games. My all time favourite is The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time.

Tee hee. I can spend hours playing that game. Although I must admitt, some of the levels are really hard and actually quite scary. Seriously! The creatures can be kinda freaky, expecially if you see them at night or in a creepy place like 'The Bottom of the Well.'

Yea, how would you like to go up against that thing?
But apart from the scary bits, there are some quite fun and challenging things. Like the temples. They are the best and main part of the game.
Theres the Forest Temple:

The Fire Temple:

The Water Temple:

The Spirit Temple:

And last but not least, The Shadow Temple:

(Yes that is blood on the floor)

And there you have it. My most loved game summed up in a few pictures *coughcough*

Well I need to stop now because this post is a little too long *grins innocently*

Saturday 28 May 2011

Malfunctioning dates

Right so I have just realised that the dates on my blog don't actually add up to the dates on my calender. And last post I said that it was Thursday but my blog said't listen to my blog. It's running a day behind. And the time isn't right either. I don't even want to know whats going on there.
So anyway, yea don't believe my blog dates and times. I'll post the real times down in the labels from now on. By the way I'm in Australia so it's all Australian time...if that makes any sense...

Anyway I need to be going now so I'll post later :D


P.S: Sometimes my times this is kinda freaking me out

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Right, so I just watched the scariest cartoon I have ever seen, and trust me I've seen alot of cartoons. I am such a wimp. I can't even go to sleep without getting scared by thinking about it. Gosh....but it's just so scary :( I showed it to my it only me that gets scared of these things? 'Cause I swear it is.

Now, onto something a little saner. I'm going to be starting a fact week. So every Thursday (thats today!)  I will write a I know they might be a tad strange but seriously, you could learn from them!
 And for the first fact of the week: apparently the number 4 is the only number in the English language that has the same number of letters in its name as its meaning. Well thats interesting. See I told you that you could learn something from these :D 'Cause I certainly did.

And thats all for today :D

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Teaser Whateverdayitisoftheweek

See? See? I used the 'Whateverydayitisoftheweek' title just like I said I would :D You should be proud I remembered. Hehehe. Anyway, onto the good stuff.
Today's Teaser is extremely short but apparently gives you a glimpse of what might happen. Well...thats what the author said so don't go shouting at me :(
And onto todays teaser.

“Worry not, ice-boy. I already have a plan.” I flashed him my best impish smile, rubbing my hands together. “One brilliant Goodfellow prank, coming right up.”
See, I told you it was short :D

Sunday 22 May 2011

TEASERS....and other important stuff

Ok so I'm always missing out on the 'Teaser Tuesday' dateline so I think I might make a little change to 'Teaser Whateverdayitisoftheweek'. Hows that for originality?
Now, on with the good stuff. And now, I give you, the second teaser for Summers Crossing.

A rustle in a bramble patch drew our attention, and we caught a glint of a baleful green eye as something huge and bristly drew away into the shadows.

“And…there it goes to alert the rest of the pack.” Ash glared at me. “Why do these things always happen when I’m around you?”

“Just lucky, I suppose,” I said cheerfully, as we hurried away before the rest of the pack could arrive.

:D Now I must admitt that I am delighted with this teaser because it has a certain Winter Prince that I love. Hehe now I am even more eager to get, in other words download, this book!

And now, on with the 'Other important stuff'.
I had a camp the other day, and I must say, Colloroy has the most awesome hills for rolling. And of course the beaches...who could forget the beaches *cough*. I am sorry, I'm not a beach fan :P Yuck, sand blegh.
Well I think I hear my mother ringing the dinner bell. Hehehe I'm just joking. My family isn't that weird as to have a dinner bell...though I seriously think we should....we children are so disobedient :D

Well I must go now, so farewell my wonderful youngins. And till next time.

Monday 16 May 2011

Everybody Hates Marmite

Ok, so my brother was talking about this thing on youtube that was about marmite. Now, I don't know about you, but I just can't stand marmite. But out of curiosity, I looked it up and found this.
It is seriously (to me) funny :D What do you think of it? Me and my brother watch the weirdest things...anyway, I have a slight obsession with Ben 10...and yet I'm in highschool....seriously....even I think thats weird and yet its just a habit that I'm getting mum teases me about it. It's not fair. Why do I have to be the one who has the insanely strange obsession? But everyone has their deep dark obsession right? *small voice* Right?

Saturday 14 May 2011

Ohh Shiny

Oh hey, my blogger is working again :D YAY! Now, back to the subject of the title. Now it might seem very strange but once I start getting to the point it won't.
Rightio, well, me and my friend are having a competition to see who will get something called, The Shiny!!!! This is a very serious (and insane) competition. If you really want to, you can join in too. All you have to do, is start off with a scenario, for example: "The Shiny is in my pocket" or "The Shiny is in that castle." Something strange like that. Then you just expand the story with really random things like "Harry Potter comes and steals the Shiny." Not really like that but if you wanted it to be that...I guess you could. The person who comes up with the most random idea wins :D Happy Shiny hunting :)

Wednesday 11 May 2011


Woa, I havent been on this blog for ages. I blame the sickness >:( Its all the sickness's fault.

Annnyway, I have just discovered the first Teaser Tuesday for Summers Crossing! Sorry its a day late but the time differences here make it so :( Sadness.

And without futher ado, here is the first Teaser Tuesday for Summers Crossing.

(NOTE: There are only going to be three teasers over the weeks because Summers Crossing comes out on June 1st. Happy reading :D)

Names are, of course, very important to my kind. Me, I have so many, I can’t even remember them all. None of them are my True Name, of course. No one has ever spoken my real name out loud, not once, despite all the titles and nicknames and myths I’ve collected for myself over the years. No one has ever come close to getting it right.

Curious, are you? Wanna know my True Name? Okay, listen up, I’ve never told anyone before. My True Name is…

I have to admitt, this is one annoying teaser...I guess thats why its called a teaser....*ponders*

Anyway :) That it for today! Cya :)

Monday 2 May 2011

Illusions Release!

Well, as you can gather from the heading, today is Aprilynne Pikes new book, Illusions, release date! Yay!

Who else is excited?